The invention refers to an active packaging for the transportation of fruit and vegetables, able to inhibit the decay processes, the color degradation and the microbial proliferation within foodstuff contained in the packaging. As a result, its shelf-life is prolonged. These aspects generate significant advantages in terms of expanding to new markets and reducing food waste.

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In Europe, the value of the corrugated cardboard packaging market is estimated at around 20 billion euros per year.
Some data on the size of this market:
- Almost 7 billion m2 of produced packaging area;
- 150 thousand employees;
- Nearly 500 plants in Europe.
Corrugated cardboard has become over time one of the most requested materials in the production of robust packaging ideal for containing, protecting and transporting.
In Italy, the estimated market value is 4 billion euros.
(Source: Euler Ermes Italia)
The Problem
In the fruit and vegetable field, one of the most important issues concerns the preservation of products during logistics and distribution: in these phases, in fact, fruit and vegetables perish very easily.
Sometimes commercial and logistical needs become a priority over respect for the natural agronomic ripening times. It is therefore essential to control the microbial population on fruit and packaging, to reduce the risk of deterioration of the products stored. At the same time, it’s very common the need to increase food safety, quality and conservation of fresh products. In fact, the packaging itself can represent a source of contamination, in addition to the one coming from their handling and storage.
Killer Application
The main application of this technology is an innovative corrugated cardboard packaging for the transport and storage of fruit and vegetables.
This packaging, called «Attivo!», increases the shelf-life of the products and reduces waste of fruit and vegetables, so it provides many advantages to the consumer.
Our Technology and Solutions
The invention consists of a packaging for fruit and vegetables added with an antimicrobial solution, that is distributed on its surface and remains on the packaging during the logistics and distribution process.
The active substances contained in the antimicrobial solution slowly release natural molecules into the packaging, that slow down the maturation process of products stored in it, thus delaying rot, color degradation and microbial proliferation processes.
The antimicrobial solution is in liquid form and is composed of water with specific active substances, chosen because they have a broad spectrum of antimicrobial action and because they are compatible with the products stored in the packaging.
The Team