SmartComm and SmartPlug constitute a monitoring and diagnosis system of electricity grids capable of generating automatic reports with a user-friendly interface. It can be integrated within Power Quality mitigation systems and monitoring and management of electrical systems

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The system created by patented technologies (SmartComm and Smartplug) allows the design of electrical networks capable of managing the electricity resource efficiently, also from a qualitative point of view. This leads to greater safety and better use of electricity, with significant savings for the user. The first outlet market for the technologies in question consists of components intended for the construction of industrial networks or large domestic networks, where the monetary savings in terms of electricity consumption are more appreciable.


Domestic and industrial electrical systems and networks suffer from considerable limitations which, if not properly managed and known, can be a source of breakdowns, dangers and, in general, substantial monetary losses. The management of power quality and other electrical parameters makes it possible to make electrical systems and devices connected to it safer, more efficient and reliable.

Current Technology Limits

The systems currently on the market have limited automatic reporting capabilities and therefore require the contribution of highly specialized personnel to be able to manage the electrical resource in terms of effective power quality. The SmartComm and SmartPLug system performs most of the diagnostics automatically, allowing simplified maintenance carried out continuously and effectively.

The system is able to automatically diagnose malfunctions of the network or systems connected to the network. It is also able to detect system anomalies and therefore operate predictive diagnostics. The patented system makes domestic and industrial electrical systems safer, more efficient and reliable.

Killer Application

The invention can find application in energy efficiency auditing with automatic reporting; the SmartComm system is able to intelligently monitor the efficiency and health of the electricity grids. This also allows the system to be used as part of the predictive maintenance of electrical systems connected to the network, as well as the implementation of power quality disturbance mitigation strategies. The system implements an intelligent monitoring of electricity consumption, being able to highlight anomalies.

Our Technology and Solutions

The SmartComm system was developed as a tool for measuring electrical network parameters and diagnostics for problems related to Power Quality. It can be applied to monitor the electrical parameters of the network (consumption, Power Quality levels) and to operate predictive diagnostics on electrical systems. The most qualifying feature of SmartComm is the ability to carry out intelligent diagnosis and monitoring independently.

The patented system is able to independently monitor the electrical parameters of the networks and identify any Power Quality disturbances. It is a low-cost system with a high technological content interconnected to the network and therefore remotely monitored. The system is able to measure the standard Power Quality parameters but also, through an algorithm based on a neural network, to identify any alterations in the line voltage, report such disturbances and classify them. This solution allows the customer to be able to monitor their plant in real time and be aware of the losses that certain behaviors can generate. In addition, it allows the installer to provide highly personalized and efficient advice and assistance. In addition to this, it is possible to use this system to operate predictive maintenance of the electrical systems connected to the measurement system. This functionality is enabled by the system’s ability to identify the load profiles of the systems connected to the network and highlight any anomalies. The system can therefore be used to perform diagnostics on networks affected by Power Quality problems and to monitor the health of the networks with a view to efficiency and predictive maintenance.

Smart Plug is socket able to acquire in real time the instantaneous voltage and current samples of a load or a set of loads connected to the socket, perform one or more analyzes and send the processed data to a control platform that , by means of specific algorithms, it carries out further operations in order to identify both the characteristic electrical parameters of operation and complex phenomena inherent to Power Quality and Voltage Quality, currently performed by oscilloscopes and network analyzers. The same socket then performs the various tasks given by the control platform in response to user commands. Finally, the socket can be advantageously configured to connect directly to the control board and / or relays of the load or off-set of loads in order to achieve more efficient energy control.


SmartComm ensured by the patented technology consist in implementing an intelligent and automated analysis system, making it possible to check for non-specialized personnel in diagnostics and predictive maintenance of electrical networks and systems.

Smart Plug consists in improving the performance of an electrical load, in favouring energy savings and in implementing voltage and power quality, even through remote control.


Patents are available under an exclusive and non-exclusive license. The licenses are available for the entire residual term of the patent titles.

The research group is available for new research activities in collaboration and on behalf of third parties, technical insights, scientific advice, also aimed at raising the TRL of technology.

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