Nanopils originates from an ERC Starting Grant project from EU and the collaboration between Politecnico and Università di Torino.
Nanopils develops biomimetic nanoparticles, like small Trojan Horses, able to transport one or more drugs to perform a combination and targeted therapy against the major tumor diseases.
Nanopils improves the efficacy, the biodistribution, and the bioavailability of drugs which have failed the clinical translations due to these problems.

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The total estimated market sales for 2024 is of 237 B$, 19,4% is in the field of prescription drugs.
Biotech therapies will cover within 2024 the 50% of the sales in this field.
To take chance of the flexibility and modularity of Nanopils technology. The maked will be approached segment by segment over time and in a specific way.


Cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide after cardiovascular diseases. May tumors are still without a resolutive therapy, while many develop drug resistance after the first treatment. This increases the relapse probability and produces heavy effects on patient’s health, increasing their mortality.

Focus on MULTIPLE MIELOMA: it is a blood tumor, the second most incident one, with 2% of diagnosed cases among the overall cancer diagnoses. In Italy, 30’000 cases and 13’000 deaths are associated to multiple mieloma. The relapse is also higher than 90%. It is treated with drugs such as proteasome inhhibitors, most of times combined with immunomodulatory imide drugs (IMiDs). Costs of therapy are very high (in US, the drug cost for multiple mieloma treatment is of 50- 100k€/year per patient).

Current Technology Limitations

FOCUS ON MULTIPLE MIELOMA: Among the present solutions, «conventinal» therapies are in place:
Chemiotherapy: Oral or endovenous administration of drugs. For multiple mieloma, mono-therapy or combination therapies with PROTEASOME INHIBITORS (PI: Bortezomib, Carfilzomib, Ixazomib ) + Immunomodulatory imide drugs (IMiDs: Lenalidomide+bortezomib). Disadvantages are disease progression, frequent relapses, drug resistance development.
Autologous Stem Cell transplantation: Treatment able to originate a new bone marrow, reconstituting the hematopoietic system of the patient, which is strongly compromised by this disease. This therapy is only partially efficaceous, is combined with chemotherapy in high doses, and is not applicable to other tumors, i.e. solid ones.
Car-T (Chimeric Antigen Receptor) cell therapy: It acts on the immune system of the patient enabling the recognition and fight of the tumor cells. It is a new experimental therapy, personalized for the patient, but it is characterized by very high costs and requires highly specialized laboratories and biotech companies.

Killer Application

The Beachhead Market is Multiple Mieloma: The idea is to validate the technology, create a reputation, then extend on other market segments.
We propose to create partnership with big Pharma companies (i.e. Novartis) and/or othe SME of the field (i.e. Innocore)

Our Technology and solutions

Nanopils is a patented technology based on smart, biocompatible and biomimetic nanocarriers for an efficient drug delivery and cell-targeted approach. The nanoparticles was developed by Prof. Valentina Cauda, TNH Lab – Politecnico di Torino, to obtain a nanosystem with: high drugs adsorption and retention, high stability over time even in blood, lower drugs dose and higher biodistribution in patient’s organism than conventional oral or endovenous administration.
The synergistic combination of two drugs was discovered by Prof. Roberto Piva, MBC-Università di Torino, showing such synergistic action between a proteasome inhibitor and another drug, which has however failed the clinical traslation due to low bidistribution. However, when both drug are nano-carried, they show a potent cytotoxicity already in sub-lethal doses and only when administered together.


Nanopils consists in 2 synergistic drugs nanocarried by a biomimetic and targeted system:

  • High efficacy with less drug doses: Nanocarried drugs overcoming the limitations of conventinal administrations, reduced side effects, reduced costs, higher efficiency
  • High bio-distribution and bio-selectivity: Targeted to tumor cells, lower drug doses, reduced side effects
  • Nanometric dimensions: ease biodistribution, direct access to the cell.
  •   Sinergy: combined action of two drugs obtaining a synergistic and super-additive effect, sul-lethal doses of drugs, higher efficacy, low side effects.
  •   Flexibility and modularity: the nanosystem is reprogrammable toward different diseases, thus shows low costs, risks and developmetn times for new antitumor therapies. It is more efficient in the R&D development and recover the use of clinically-failed drugs.


TODAY the technology is at TRL 4:

  • In-vitro validation: nanocarried drgus are demonstrated to have improved efficacy, efficiency and synergy
  • Nanopils gives new value to approved drugs, but that have failed the clinical translation

In 1 year: TRL 5

  • In vivo preclinical trials
  • Validation in other tumors (other hematological tumors and solid tumors)
  • Start-up funding for second round seed
  • Road toward class III biomedical device validation
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